No Signal – Live AV @ Splice Festival 2017
This is an extract of No Signal’s first official gig performed at Splice Festival 2017. The three of us are connected via wifi. Villain and his drums were sending hyp3rvj midi notes triggering clips on the visuals set, while Amousement was sending osc data with the Live Grabber plugins set on Max for Life for Ableton (all the notes on Amousement basses and melodies were mapped to modify effects parameters), thus creating a real synchronised set.
We improvise AV live, we have certain parameters to give us a kind of safety net but inside that safety net everything is possible and no two sets are the same, they have their own personality and they evolve, both physically and emotionally depending on how grumpy or happy we are that day :), fun eh?
Visually, the theme of the project, from branding to visuals is: signal / no signal, signal glitches, waves, frequencies, communication,…